I love this meaning! For those who wondered, we changed her middle name from "Mei" (our original idea) to "Xue" because the orphanage report said she already recognizes her name. Maybe it snowed the day she was born? She came to the orphanage the day after she was born. We'll be going to China to get her in August -- no snow expected in Hunan at that time of year!
Our sweet & spicy little Hunan baby is here (in pictures)! We are too excited right now to put the other two pics on the scanner but I'll do so in a few hours. Right now, here's her info: Jiang Xue Chun, DOB 12/26/06. She's in Pingjiang, Hunan Province. More details to come. Yay!!!
Monday, July 9, 2007
The referral package has been translated and shipped again -- but nobody knows what's in it! We will know for certain on Tuesday.
We have so much nervous energy right now. Rob is mowing the lawn. I am glued to Rumor Queen and haranguing our agency by email. Soon....But maybe Monday!
Well folks, this is it -- the transglobal sonogram is winging its way from China to us this week. Rumor Queen (http://www.chinaadopttalk.com/) is abuzz with news that referral packages (pics, name, age, location, etc.) were sent from China on Wednesday, the 4th of July. That's great news. Stay tuned as we should have news and details to post here on Friday or Monday. Hooray!