Monday, April 30, 2012

Still Kicking!

Okay, I am a bad mom -- I haven't touched this blog in nearly a year.  My main problem is not trusting my computer enough anymore to download pics and then upload them here.  Need to get over that this year, as once in a while one of you, our dear friends and family, actually check in to see what we are doing.  I am not a Facebook person, as you know, so this will have to suffice. 

Let's have some quick stats --
G is 5 and still in preschool, Kindergarten in the fall.  She weighs about 2-3 lbs more than last year at this time.  She is active and happy.  She is still swimming and playing piano.  Looking into horseback lessons this summer and maybe Mandarin after a visit from her special Auntie and Uncle (Donna and Al).  We had a great visit with them last year in the U.K.  Photos attached. 

Still isn't really pronouncing her "r's" too well but I am not concerned.  Still loves animals deeply and wants to grow up to save them.  Tonight, she brushed her teeth wearing her Veterinarian costume.  Could read "Animal Hospital" on the back of her uniform (!).  Came to Take Your Child to Work Day and charmed the pants off everyone.  Loved the pedometer we bought -- walked over 6000 steps in about an hour...(really?  really?) at the park today.  Beat me in Memory (but just barely) before bed.   

Here are some pics from last year (ack!): 

More to come!

Climbing Tintagel (King Arthur's castle) in Cornwall

Grinning at a train station outside London

Gotcha Day 2011

Mulan, Halloween 2011

Tending to the Jack O'Lantern, 2011

Snack break on hike to daddy's bridge site

Visiting the bridge site with Daddy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gracie is looking so big! Though you don't post a lot, I still check every day to see if there is an update! What an adorable little girl. Wish we could zip down to visit with you. :) Glad to hear you are doing well. Thanks for the update! Love, M's in Maine