Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Thank you for your patience as I have struggled to find time to download the new pictures and update the blog. Lots of good stuff coming soon.

Funny, the other day I was watching Grace as she exhibited her new emotion, impatience, and the thought occured to me that some people are named "Patience" and then I wondered if they threw tantrums, too, when they were 14.5 months old....

No matter, she is exerting her independence and we are happy. Hearing impaired, but happy.

Grace is doing very well. She enjoyed the Valentines (thank you to her Grammas and her Aunt Judy and big special thank you to MY Aunt Ann, who send her a cute puppy dog card that reminded me of the little cards we would bring for our classmates to put in their cubbies). [I hear that Grace will soon have a new little cousin from my Aunt's children. Congratulations, Renee!]

She also had a fun time at a local photo studio chain store showing the photographer that she not only understood commands such as "Sit," and "Stand," but that she also knows (and prefers) their antonyms....

Finally, for tonight's observations, Easter Bunnies are apparently not amusing. Despite being soft and mute, one should avoid being photographed with them at all costs.


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